oceans of angels, oceans of stars.

>> Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am still kind of floating from seeing Courtney Love put on a hell of a show last night. I think that means I should write about it.

This was my first time seeing Hole live.

They were late coming onstage, but I didn't much expect punctuality either. My feet started to hurt after a bit and my buzz was wearing off from 'Foxy Shazam'-- who were a VERY entertaining group, and put on a really high-energy fun show. It was my first time seeing a musician eat three lit cigarettes and crawl across the stage like a monkey, ever.

So anyway, we waited more than we would've liked. But needless to say, once I saw Courtney's blond head of hair come out from behind that curtain, a feeling of "oh fucking hell yes' came over me. Everything was right in the world.

She apologized for her voice being 'shot', but she pulled right on through nonetheless. I was actually surprised at how put-together and cute Courtney looked. She didn't appear strung out.. but I know that may not mean a whole lot.

They made my night by playing shortly into the set, 'miss world'. I think I jumped on the foot of the guy standing behind me. In fact, I know I did. Sorry guy.
I got lost in a 'Live Through This' Hole rock 'n roll nostalgia wonderland when she played songs off the album.

Impatiently, I awaited 'doll parts'. Please, please, please, I thought to myself.. You gotta do this for me! So they finished their set and fans drew them back out for the encore, and lo and behold Courtney had changed into a dress that screamed old(er) school Courtney and I just knew then that my wish was going to be granted. It was, and again everything was right in the world.

I wouldn't have missed this show for the world. Check one band off my bucket list


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