lights in the sky, at the end of the tunnel

>> Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm doing good today. I went to a kickboxing class this morning and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I just don't have a whole lot to say right now, but here are some pictures I've taken over the course of the past few days.

Yesterday, I thought I'd get some pictures of the gorgeous leaves before they've all left me.


The Stifled Artist November 29, 2007 at 12:30 AM  

Girl, you need to be framing this work and putting it up in a coffee shop or gallery, for real. You are a true photographer.

I was just thinking about you today as I lay by the bay in the sand on my lunch break (there's a trail near my work and I needed to be horizontal, under the sun, facing the sky with ducks bobbing on the water all around me) and wondering if you ever replaced your camera. Didn't something happen to it? Or was that your phone?

January Girl November 29, 2007 at 2:37 PM  

thank you dearly! That means so much to me.
Yeah, that was my beloved camera that I broke on Halloween you're thinking of.
I didn't tell you Kenneth surprised me with a new camera a few weeks ago? Yeah.. he's a good hubby. :)
I love it, it's red and slim and magnificent.

The Stifled Artist December 11, 2007 at 3:07 PM  

kenneth is like noel, I think, in that way.

The Stifled Artist December 11, 2007 at 3:07 PM  

you know, I want some framed prints of those photos to put up in my bedroom. Seriously. We should figure out how to get me some large prints.

January Girl December 12, 2007 at 10:15 AM  

I think you can purchase prints off of Deviantart if I submit whichever you want. Only thing is, size.. I haven't looked into their options. I never thought anyone would care to have anything of mine.

This makes me beam, just so you know. :)

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