
>> Thursday, November 22, 2007

I'm going to write now, while I'm still in a good mood and actually have some time. Later, I will have been tainted by seeing family I only see on holidays.

I'm making up a squash casserole to take to my mother-in-law's for dinner this afternoon. My hubby had to work all morning into the afternoon, so it's a late dinner for us. Me and my tot have been lounging around the house watching the parade all morning. I can't get him to eat a single thing, so hopefully he'll dig in during Thanksgiving dinner (feast).

While watching the parade, the old Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman specials advertised. I'll need to mark my calender, those little programs still give me warm fuzzies. For years, I've wanted to collect all of the Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer ornaments. They are just pricey! Maybe I should buy one per year or something. The island of the misfit toys holds a special place in my heart. Then there's Frosty, I used to cry every single year when Frosty melted in the greenhouse. It was traumatic!

Happy Turkey Day, everyone.


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