thoughts I thought today

>> Thursday, January 24, 2008

I was really productive today at work. I was surprised, not that I was productive but that I wanted to be and felt accomplished for corrected fifty-something price discrepancies after auditing the drug/gm department. Better me then the holier than thou head honchos who come in and act like they are God when they find errors and talk down to you about it. Pssh.

I had a lot of time to think. Thinking and working, now that's what I call being productive. Multi-tasking has always been a specialty.

Anyway, I was thinking about how music was and has always been my way to escape into my head, get away from the stress-causing stimuli around me. I find myself, even at work, doing this. When something like Pink Floyd, Skynyrd, Fleetwood Mac, Ozzy, or anyone else remotely enthralling pops onto the work radio, I find myself drifting away, singing along to every word, floating aimlessly in my own world. I become oblivious to the beep-beeps of my scanning gun - yet I still get my job done competently. The music is just in my lungs, brainwaves, perhaps bloodstream, helping to move me along the work load.

I was also thinking back to when I was a teenager, paining my nails and listening to Bush's Sixteen Stone. It was my favorite CD for months, I couldn't take it out of my player. I'm surprised I didn't wear my stereo right out when I was a teenager. All I did was listen to CD's and paint my nails, read and write.
I had shoe boxes full of nail polish, it was a fetish. I had every box lid painted, in -ha! .. nail polish "Heather's Nail Polish" I had to be a sight, jamming to Gavin Rossdale's sexy-as-hell vocals, banging my head ....everything zen everything zen I don't think so... I wanted to marry that guy. I still secretly kind of hate Gwen Stefani for stealing my husband.


The Stifled Artist January 25, 2008 at 1:06 PM  

man, I feel you! I couldn't take Nirvana Nevermind out of my CD player...I didn't own BUSH but everytime I heard everything zen or glycerin on the radio everything stopped. Slow-motion.

I must have single-handedly supported the black nail polish biz.

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