love in it's purest form

>> Monday, February 15, 2010

What I'm referring to is my son's love; every part of his existence.

The way he looks intently at the tv screen while he's playing a video game, the curious way he watches a learning show on his favorite cartoon channel, how his hair sticks up in sometimes four different spots after a long night of good sleep, his funny dances, the faces he makes just to make me laugh, the way he says "pleaaase?" with his hands together, his radiant, out-of-this-world smile, his giggle, the way he looks at the book pages while I read to him, his big blue eyes, his 'big neck hugs' (I refer to them as such so I don't a rip-off hug), the way he trusts me with everything in the world, his questions, his speech, every holiday that he makes a million and one times better, cuddling before bed next to his soft face, and so many more reasons.. so many.


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