
>> Thursday, June 3, 2010

burnt out kite strings mark my path to outer-space. through the telescope, creepy long clock hands scatter through the atmosphere. I didn't know time could diminish. milliseconds between seconds. breaths between panics. I almost forgot weightlessness could cause such damage. stars fall heavy skipping their way to my shoulders. I sit to rest and notice more boulders. boulders formed of rocket toxicity, requiring goggles. pulling at what's left of twine, I slap on protection. jump from here to Saturn, back again. sighs take light years and I get lost in conversions. me, the scientist, calculating self-inflicted purgatory. six thousand miles to eternity. shake and stutter, clear my throat of clutter. take flight into a void of sheer speed. coming then going, not coming nor going.

(written July 2007)


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