Fall Indeed
>> Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I watched my son play in golden leaves today.. it was one of those magical moments.
That's me in the corner.
I watched my son play in golden leaves today.. it was one of those magical moments.
I've been really busy; either sleeping or working.
Fortunately, I have tomorrow off. I'm thinking of putting up my Christmas tree to lift the mood and for me and my son to have some one-on-one 'special time'. I know it's not Thanksgiving yet but who cares..
I'm on my second cup of hot cocoa tonight -- so soothing and warm.
I wish I had more to report on, but at the moment I'm just glad to be home and have some time to breathe.
Oh -- and a quote I read and liked today:
Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults.
- Thomas Szasz
Got a fresh new trio of hair colors today -- along with a contrast sideswept bang.. so happy with the outcome! :)
This is one of my favorite things to do ... Ever.. have a new hair style and/or color. It is beyond revitalizing.
- I played Left 4 Dead 2 with my husband and son and was amazed at my 3 and 1/2 year old's gaming skills.
- My Anniversary (12/8) and Christmas present will come early.. on Thursday, in the form of a new hair dye job/trim! (new red/blond touch-up/possible black touch-up)
- I was in a good mood for about 3/4 of the day. Better than yesterday.
- It was cooler outside today, which I much appreciate.
- I'm alive, well, and loved.
I'm in a mood to listen to old Radiohead in dim light and watch rain fall. Of course, it's not raining and my big living room isn't dimly lit.. nor do I have Radiohead playing; instead, Yo Gabba Gabba is on television. Not a bad kids show, but definitely not fitting my mood.
Escaping would be nice.. I have nothing in my grasp (really) in which to aid in my escape..
Stress, worry, and feeling down.
Ugh.. hope a good night's sleep turns this boat around.
This morning, for the first time, I noticed the red orange leaves on my favorite tree in my front yard. I wonder if they've been this color for days and I haven't noticed.. could very well have.
I want to take my son to the Atlanta Zoo before it gets too cold out. Yes, it's still in the high 70's most days lately and its nearly Thanksgiving. Insane.
I was reading back through my blog yesterday.. through the archives that span almost three years! I didn't realize I'd had this place so long.
I found myself amused, reflective, proud for writing.. even if I have been largely sporadic - I have some record of my thoughts and life.
I've really got to up my music supply. Since I restored my laptop, I have only about 9 or so cd's ripped... it's quite sad.
I need new cd's for my car. I am so completely burned out on everything I've been listening to.
It's been one of those. One of those indescribable-do-I-have-make-me-crazy-written-upon-my-forehead kind of days.
But the good news is.. I'm still alive. And sane to boot (for the most part)
This is the little human being who helped me laugh tonight when I felt like I was at wit's end...
Thank you, my sweet little angelcakes.
I have a new-found respect for my immune system.
I'm going on over two weeks of being ill in some way or another. First, it was what felt like strep throat, combined with loads of sniffles and sneezes. Then it got so rough I had to force myself to a germ-infested, scary walk-in clinic. (I found out from my mother, very sadly, that our general practitioner passed away two weeks ago. Bless him.) Turns out I have bronchitis, so I got some scripts from the Dr.
One of them was for Gauifenesin with codeine.. AKA - Robitussin plus codeine AKA - the devil. And here I was excited that I got codeine for a prescription. Oh wee! I get to be loopy and high'ish while I'm getting well! Oh hell no! That cough syrup made me sick as a dog. (that's what I get, right!?) I ended up on the verge of vomiting for about 2-3 hours after taking two little teaspoons of that stuff.
No more for me!
I'm a plain ol' over the counter Robitussin lady from here on out.
So I'm on day number three of taking antibiotics and and just hoping for the absolute best. I'm trying to believe I'll wake up tomorrow feeling refreshed and well, ready for work.
I missed work today (first day I've missed throughout this stint of illness) I'd spoken to boss #2 and let him now this morning, then regardless, boss #1 sends me a text message hours later asking "Where r u?"
Really? What we have here sir, is a total lack of communication! Wasn't that at the start of a Beastie Boys album? Song? Something..
Take care of yourselves! Get rest, and.. dammit miss work if you must.
And wash those hands! I sure thought I was.. I'm a sanitizer-totin', handwashing type and I'm still bogged down with this flu season stink.
Since May? Really? I oughta be ashamed.. I am!
I feel compelled to blog again. I just wanted to make a "wedging my foot back in the door" post.
It's after 4am and I can't sleep a wink tonight. It's just awful. I'm fighting bronchitis and trying to work at the same time.
Man on man I hope I fall asleep shortly!
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