Goals to help me Blossom.

>> Saturday, August 28, 2010

  • Take the time to meditate. 10 minutes per day, alone in a dim room, lots of concentrated breathing and releasing of toxic energy.
  • Drink more water. It is cleansing. Besides, in the last two or so years, I've become prone to kidney infections and UTI's.. I need my water.
  • Get back into the groove of snail-mail. Receiving something personal in the mailbox makes my day. I want to make the days of those I love.
  • Talk to myself in a more positive light. Give myself a break. Be kind, be kind.


just stuff

>> Friday, August 6, 2010

I absolutely love this girl's blog - It's midnight at the starlite diner. It's chock full of thoughts on songs. How perfect is that? And her taste is eerily similar to mine, love reading it. She makes me want to start a music-related blog.

My son is starting Pre-K on Monday. How is this? I can't grasp it just yet. Still. We are going to meet his teacher tonight, and walk around the school, familiarize him with it. I think I'm more emotionally distressed at the thought of him being in school than he is.
So much to do today.

I spent this past weekend in Atlanta, partying with seven women. It was my longtime friend's bachlorette party. We had a good time, but I am not as young as I used to be. It wears me out to party two nights in a row on little to no sleep.. holy hell. But there was a lot of laughing and fun, which is vital. So it was good.

I do not write here enough. Dammit. I say that all of the time.


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